Take a stand!

Many of us find ourselves sitting for the majority of the day. And the toll that this physical position has taken on our bodies can be seen in slumped shoulders and felt in aching backs and misaligned bodies. Try standing up and taking note of your posture using a...

How Functional is Your Fitness?

Even if you think you look really good in those jeans, how fit are you when it comes to things like…picking up your child, or moving groceries from your car to your kitchen, or raking the lawn, or picking up fallen branches from your yard, or chasing your dog that has...

THE Secret To Being Fit!

Most folks today are looking for everything  to be “fast and easy”!  We don’t want to wait in line, we don’t want to wait in traffic, we don’t want to wait on the phone…we want it fast…and we want it now, no matter what we’re talking about!  We truly have become a...

What Is Your Fitness Attitude?

Have you ever made a resolution to “exercise more”…then after a few days of waking up early, losing sleep, experiencing sore muscles, not seeing immediate results….just decided that your position as a couch potato was more rewarding?  Maybe…just maybe what you really...

3 Key Components of Fitness

There are three key components for a healthy lifestyle that should be incorporated into your fitness program.   As we age, these become even more important in our daily lives.  These are balance, flexibility, and strength and here’s why these are so important!...